Back From Inner Space
Sorry folks, I know it's been a while, but damn, have I been busy!
Being back at the inn has been surprisingly comfortable. Even after going back and looking at old posts, I wasn't daunted by the responsibility and day to day ridiculousness that makes the inn what it is.
I moved back into my old room from high school. Even that wasn't so bad. I've set it up in a similar fashion to how it used to be, and it's a little cave-like, but I don't mind. El Presidente, my mother, has since moved out to her new home in Cape Cod. She's managed to move most of her things there, but certain items still loom over me, reminding me of her presence. A perfect example is her box o birds. It's about 3 x 2, and built into the wall of our living room. While it's a stunning conversation piece, it's also a lot of dead bodies on display in what is now MY living room. Thank whatever it will be moving to an Ebay counter near you soon!
We're also switching innkeepers. Autumn, who started when I left, has decided to move out and start making a living through making bags and clothing and such. She's an excellent seamstress, and I will be sorry to see her go. She's leaving because it's just a really tough job to do when you've got two small children at home after you leave work. What job isn't though? I both admire and pity her in this situation, and it makes me wonder how I'll ever get to a point where I can feel comfortable having babies and still doing the inn thing.
I had a funny dream the other night. El Presidente fired the housekeeper, Glenda, who in real life is first rate. In the dream, Glenda was fired for being a terrible grocery shopper. But she does not have this responsibility at the inn. I was able to convince her to come back to work, as long as I convinced El Presidente to never set foot in the building again. On telling my mother of this dream, she was delighted to hear it. She said that it meant that I was taking ownership seriously, and that I was afraid that she and I would differ on some major decisions.
I'm also happy to say that I've been meeting a lot of wonderful people who've been passing through the inn. This fall was fantastic, and I even went to the Great Jack O Lantern Blaze this year. If you've never been, check it out next year, it's well worth going. I'll post some pictures soon.
Hope to be writing more soon, and thank you all for continuing to check the blog, as I never officially gave it up, and y'all have been yelling at me for so long!